The British Hernia Society are excited to announce that it is expanding its Board and subcommittees. We are looking for enthusiastic individuals with an interest in hernia surgery who can devote time and passion to this growing organisation. Individuals can sit on both the Board and in a subcommittee, or on more than one subcommittee, so individuals can apply for more than one role.
Please direct any queries to the relevant email address in the adverts below. Please note that we are also recruiting to a new Patient and Public Liaison Subcommittee, so please do signpost patients to our website if you think they may be interested.
The British Hernia Society are advertising the role of Treasurer to sit on the Board. The role requires the individual to become a Trustee of the Charity. The role includes:
- Responsibility for maintenance of accurate, scrutable financial records
- Administration of the BHS bank account
- Production of information regarding the financial status and conduct of the BHS as required by the BHS Board, membership and regulatory bodies, such as the Charity Commission.
- Organising yearly Independent Examination of the BHS accounts
- Ensuring the Financial Regulations of The British Hernia Society are up to date and adhered to at all times.
- Ensure all paperwork for expenses claims are in order
No specific previous experience is required. Support will be given to an incoming Treasurer by the outgoing one to ensure all legal requirements are met and fiscal responsibility is maintained. Please apply by sending a short CV and statement of interest to by midnight 15th December 2024.
Director of Communications
The British Hernia Society are looking for a board member who will have oversight all communications from the British Hernia Society to the membership and the wider public. Specifically, the role will include:
- Develop communication streams via social media on behalf of the society.
- Post via social media to increase visibility and publicise ongoing works or communications from our partners. Aim for one post a week.
- Develop a social media policy in line with the Charity Commission guidance.
- Have oversight of communications via e-mail in conjunction with the Director of the Website and Membership.
- Regularly contact all BHS subcommittee chairs and Board members to ask for communications that can be sent out about ongoing workstreams.
- Work with President and other Board members to develop relationships with other organisations eg surgical societies to mutually publicise events of interest.
- Monitor social media and internet streams for publicity or comments relating to the Society and feedback to the Board themes, reputational threats and opportunities.
Applicants at any stage of their career will be considered. Demonstrable experience of social media or communications will be beneficial. Please apply by sending a short CV and statement of interest to by midnight 15th December 2024.
Director of Trainee Liaison
The British Hernia Society are looking for a second Director of Trainee Liaison to work with the current incumbent to develop and trainee-led group within the society. Applicants at any stage of their training will be considered and applicants do not necessarily need to be in training at the time of application. We are looking for individuals with strong leadership and communication skills and who can inspire others. A demonstration of working positively in teams and experience outside the clinical environment would be advantageous. Please apply by sending a short CV and statement of interest to by midnight 15th December 2024.
Scientific Subcommittee
The BHS is inviting expressions of interest to join our new Scientific Subcommittee (from senior and trainee surgeons, and patients), including the role of Deputy Director of Science (senior surgeon). Subcommittee members will work with the Director of Science to develop the BHS’ research strategy, and to encourage and guide research output on behalf of the Society including that of the Registry.
This is an exciting opportunity to shape the direction of hernia research in the UK and deliver meaningful benefits for patients. We are inviting applications from research active surgeons of all grades, as well as patients with an interest in research. To apply, please attach a letter expressing your interest, with a CV to by midnight 15th December 2024.
Abdominal Wall Reconstruction (AWR) Subcommittee
The Abdominal Wall Subcommittee is an established subcommittee of the British Hernia Society with a track record of providing educational events and producing research. The AWR subcommittee partners with the Association of Coloproctology Abdominal Wall Subcommittee to provide mutual benefit and resource for joint projects. The AWR Subcommittee is inviting applications from AWR interested surgeons of any grade. To apply, please attach a letter expressing your interest, with a 2 page CV to by midnight 15th December 2024.
Registry Subcommittee
The Registry Subcommittee was established as a subcommittee of the British Hernia Society in Feb 2021, to develop the BHS Registry. The BHS Registry launched across the UK in November 2024. Work is ongoing with publicising the registry and ensuring uptake both within the NHS and private sector. The BHS are looking for several enthusiastic surgeons of any grade to join the current team. You will need to provide time for this post, which involves regular online meetings at least once a month. Work streams are divided between committee members. RSC members are very keen to ensure the successful implementation of the registry and work hard to make that happen. See our Registry page and RSC page on the BHS website. To apply, please attach a letter expressing your interest, with a short CV to by midnight 15th December 2024.
Patient and Public Liaison Subcommittee
The British Hernia Society recognises that patients have a huge amount to offer healthcare professionals by giving their views on living with hernias and having them treated. The BHS want to embed patient views into all its enterprises and are creating the new Patient and Public Liaison Sub-committee to facilitate this. The subcommittee will undertake lots of different programmes of work, including promoting education for patients (and carers) with hernias. We aim to develop information on best clinical care, promote the best outcomes for patients and support choices for patients based on evidence (eg research). The subcommittee will in reach into other parts of the BHS, including research and education. Essentially, we are creating a team who can provide patient input, and promote the needs of patients, whenever it is needed. To apply, please send a statement of your experience and background (no specific health details are required but working background and interests would be useful), how you think you can help the BHS and why you would like to join the Patient and Public Liaison Subcommittee. Please send your statement to by midnight on 15th December 2024.
Thank you for considering applying for these positions. We look forward to growing the British Hernia Society with you!