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BHS awards 2019

Travel awards 2019

Travel grants 2019 to attend EHS Hamburg

1. Sujay Shah, University College in London

2. Jola Olugbemi, West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St Edmunds

3. Nader Habib Bedwani, King George Hospital, Ilford

4. James Pilkington, Manchester University Foundation Trust

BHS Research awards 2019

A SayersNational collaboration (Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT as lead site)Management of Acutely Symptomatic Hernia (MASH) – a prospective cohort study£2000 Papers published from this project
1. BJS Cohort paper
2. Ann RCS survey paper
M WilsonNHS Forth ValleyA modified Delphi process to establish the research priorities in hernia surgery£2000
O SmithYork NHS Trust and Hull York Medical SchoolQuality of Life (QOL) in patients with Abdominal Wall Hernias (AWH)£2000
S pakerUniversity College LondonUtilising an in vitro collagen tissue model for pre-clinical surgical mesh testing; a step towards standardised mesh comparison prior to implantation£2000
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