BJS Award 2025 fact sheet
- The next BJS Award will be presented in June 2025.
- The nomination window for the BJS Award 2025 is due to open on Tuesday 2 April and will close on Friday 21 June 2024, there will be no extension of the deadline.
Background information:
- BJS Foundation has established a prestigious international award to recognise excellence in surgical science.
- The award recognises a discovery, innovation or scientific study within the field of surgery that has changed clinical practice with profound impact on patient care.
- The winner is awarded with:
- €100,000
- A medal
- A framed diploma
- An invitation to the Award ceremony and dinner with a guest
- A BJS Academy webinar
- The BJS Award forms part of the BJS Foundations international outreach programme. The Foundation has therefore pledged to donate to surgical educational development and the BJS Foundation Charity Committee.
- The inaugural BJS Award winner was Professor Henrik Kehlet for his scientific achievements in peri-operative care, which profoundly changed clinical practice in many fields of surgery globally.
Important points for nominators to consider:
- Nominations must be proposed by experts within the surgical community.
- Nominations by an organisation or self-nominations are not permitted.
- Nominations must be confidential and must not be communicated with the nominee. Any breach of confidentiality will result in disqualification for the prize.
- Nominations should be in a specific field of surgical science, and nominations that fall outside of the strict purpose of the award, including humanitarian or lifetime achievement nominations, will not be considered.
- Nominees must be living and recognized as surgical specialists, i.e., hold a certificate or diploma in surgery (no posthumous nominations will be considered).
- The candidate should not be a current member of the BJS Foundation Award Committee, BJS Foundation Council or work as a BJS/BJS Open editor.
For more information:
- Refer to the presentation prepared by Anders Bergenfelz available here.
- Refer to the BJS Award website page where you can find the background information and the guidelines for submitting a nomination.
- Refer to the BJS Award 2023 website page where you can find all content related to the presentation of the 2023 BJS Award to Professor Henrik Kehlet.
How to make a nomination:
To propose a nomination for the BJS Award 2025: