Elena Schembari
Elena Schembari works as a Colorectal Consultant at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital (UK) with a special interest in complex abdominal wall reconstruction and parastomal hernias. Elena completed her surgical training in Italy in 2019 and then moved to the UK where she did two post-CCT fellowships (in London and Southampton). During her fellowship in London she gained more experience in the treatment of colorectal cancer and benign colorectal disease (particularly proctology and pelvic floor). The colorectal fellowship in Southampton allowed her to become more confidence in the treatment of open abdomens, complex incisional hernias and Intestinal failure. She has almost finished her PhD about the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer and the defence of her thesis is due soon. Elena has spoken at international conferences. She is very active in research at national and international level and is a member of the committee to the develop the EHS (European Hernia Society) guidelines for the emergency treatment of ventral and incisional hernias. She is member of the BHS Registry and BHS AWR subcommittees and is highly motivated to promote the improvement of the outcomes after hernia surgery in the UK and abroad.