Trainee representative
Nasra Alam is a specialist registrar in General and Colorectal Surgery, rotating through hospitals in the North West of England.
She has a keen interest in hernia surgery, in particular abdominal wall reconstruction and has presented at multiple hernia conferences and courses in relation to these areas. She was a member of the Biomesh Study Group in 2015, looking at the use of biological mesh in variety of different situations. Consequently, she contributed to several publications and was involved in writing the consensus review, conducting an evidence-based analysis of the efficacy of biologic and biosynthetic meshes in predefined clinical situations.
Nasra is actively involved in academia and research, having recently completed a PhD at the University of Manchester, looking at the relationship between type 2 diabetes and cancer mortality and survival. She has experience is handling large-scale datasets and carrying out complex statistical analyses, which are skills that will be invaluable when working with a hernia registry. She remains active in the research community and is a member of the Junior Editorial Board, regularly reviewing articles for the journal Colorectal Disease.