Stella Smith is a Consultant Emergency and General Surgeon in Manchester with a colorectal
background. She has a dedicated interest in abdominal wall reconstruction (AWR). During her post- CCT fellowship in Trauma in Nottingham, she developed decision-making and technical skills in AWR. Whilst undertaking a Trauma Fellowship in Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, she gained a wealth of experience managing patients with penetrating abdominal trauma who had damage control surgery resulting in an open abdomen.
In August 2018, Stella founded the Greater Manchester Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Forum; a
multidisciplinary group, including general and plastic surgeons, that discusses complex and
interesting cases as well as to share tips and tricks, promote research and undertake audits. There is an open-door policy for anyone wanting to attend.
Stella has a humanitarian interest and, in 2019, has been on call for the UK Emergency Medical Team to deploy to areas of natural disaster on behalf of the Department for International Development (DfID). She also has an active interest in major trauma and education. She has developed and convened bespoke trauma courses in Manchester for multi professionals. She is an Academic Advisor for the University of Manchester Medical School.