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EHS-AHS Joint Congress, HERNIA2021

October 13-16, 2021

his state-of-the-art congress will bring together a diverse group of young talents, experts, surgeons and companies involved in hernia surgery. Our goal is to bridge high quality evidence with clinical practice. At the congress, you will benefit from high-level scientific presentations, knowledge sharing and networking opportunities. The scientific programme will include keynote lectures, hot hernia topics, pros and cons sessions, free paper sessions, video sessions, industry symposia and posters supported by lots of discussion and interaction.

We look forward to welcoming you to Copenhagen for a memorable and safe congress.

We hope you and your society can help us promoting our congress, and we hope to see many of your members in Copenhagen!

Confirmed Key Lectures
Visualization: Anders Persson, Sweden
Prevention of hernia in colorectal surgery: Thomas Pinkney, United Kingdom
Giant hernia: Todd Heniford, United States

Bella Center congress venue, with top-rated facilities within short distance Copenhagen airport and the city center.

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